Texas Tech University

Torr Na Lochs: From Rocks to Wine

Dates:April 15, 2025
Meets:Tu from 1:30 PM to 3:30 PM
Location:Torr Na Loch
Cost: $65.00

There are still openings remaining at this time.


Join us for a tour and tasting at Torr Na Lochs Vineyard and Winery. Torr Na Lochs, which loosely translates from Gaelic to "hill over lakes," sits high above the Colorado River valley overlooking both Inks and Buchanan lakes. Our wines are made using only Texas fruits. Come taste great Texas wines with an even greater Texas view! We look forward to sharing our passion and dream of a truly Texas wine experience with you.
Fee: $65.00

Torr Na Loch

7055 W State Hwy 29
Burnet, TX

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