Texas Tech University

Course Listing - by Instructor

Name Biography
Michelle Alcorn
Nancy Allen Nancy Allen, Ph.D., has a doctorate in education. Her research centered on the relationship between culture and learning. She has been fortunate enough to visit many of the World Heritage Sites in her professional life.
Ryan Allen Ryan Allen, M.D., has 21 years of experience in emergency medicine and is a fellow of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine. He is currently the medical director at St. David’s Hospital in Bastrop.
Karin Ardon-Dryer
Michael Barr Michael Barr earned a bachelor’s degree in history and government from the University of Texas at Austin and an M.A. in history from Texas State University. Instructor Michael Barr writes a local history column, called Hindsights, for the Fredericksburg Standard. He is a regular contributor to Rock and Vine Magazine.
Merve Basdogan
Deborah Bigness
Jacqueline Bober
Carole Buchanan Carole Buchanan, Ph.D., is an award-winning teacher with a doctorate in African history, and she trains world and European history advanced placement teachers.
Jama Cadle Jama Cadle is Project Manager at Chike Nutrition
Stacy Caliva
Sarah Cantor
Andy Carter
Jon Caspell
Allison Childress
Katie Cortese
Henry Crawford
Jimmy Cruz Jimmy Cruz is the Longhorn Cavern State Park general manager.
Das Peach Haus staff Das Peach Haus staff
Manny Diaz Manny Diaz is News Director of the Nexstar stations and Danny Sims is Director of Promotions and Special Projects.
Katelin Dixon
Danna Laine Doremus Danna Laine Doremus is the owner and operator of The Oil Tap in Marble Falls.
Marybeth Edeen Marybeth Edeen, MChE, is a retired NASA senior executive and an engineer who ended her 35-year career leading the International Space Station Research Office. Her team enabled thousands of experiments in space in hundreds of science and technology disciplines.
Allison Eubanks
Stephen Faehnle Stephen T. Faehnle, M.D., is a retired pediatrician with many interests. He once built an oceangoing boat in his Abilene back yard.
Dan Fergus Dan Fergus Jr. is an Abilene attorney. He heard many stories from his father, Dan Fergus Sr., who was the attorney for the Radio London investment group.
Sandy Fortenberry Sandy Fortenberry is chair of the Lubbock County Historical Commission. She is a native Lubbockite with degrees in English, German and educational leadership from Texas Tech University and the University of Alabama.
Catharine Franklin
Charlotte Freeborn Charlotte Freeborn was born in Dallas and grew up in Longview, Texas and Albuquerque, New Mexico. She attended Hill College in Hillsboro, Texas and received her bachelor’s degree from the University of North Texas and a master’s from Perkins at SMU.
Shannon Galyean
Lori Garcia
Jeff Gasaway, Ed.D Gasaway earned his Doctor of Education from Baylor University, Master of Education from Texas A&M-Commerce and bachelor of science from Texas Tech University. He has been in education for 28 years and 23 as an administrator.
Savannah Gonzalez Savannah Gonzalez is co-owner of House of Cheese.
Nathaniel Hall
Michelle Hammond
David Harkins David K. Harkins, Ph.D., has degrees in civil and petroleum engineering and is a registered engineer in Texas, Mississippi and Oklahoma. In 2020 he was named Distinguished Engineer by Texas Tech University.
Warren Harkins Warren Harkins is an entrepreneur, rancher and founder of the Museum of Military Models.
Zachary Ingle Zachrary Ingle, Ph.D. is a visiting assistant professor in communications at Hardin-Simmons University. He has written extensively about film, popular culture, religion and sports.
Arlene Kasselman A native of South Africa, Arlene Kasselman is co-owner of Seven and One Books.
Caleb Kelso Caleb Kelso is Chief Operating Officer at Chike and Next Level Family of Companies.
Bob Kent Bob Kent earned a Bachelor of Science in Geology from the University of Texas at Austin. He has published a number of professional and historical articles. He is on the board of directors for the Falls on the Colorado Museum.
Steve Kniffen Steve Kniffen has extensive teaching experience in lifelong learning, including two traveling Elderhostels that followed the route of Lewis & Clark from St. Louis to Portland. He has written 190 articles based on research he has gathered on the subject.
Daniel Melton Daniel Melton is the artistic director at the Hill Country Community Theatre.
Heidi Melton Heidi Melton holds a BA in Arts Management from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and is currently the executive director of the Hill Country Community Theatre.
Kathryn Mitchell Kathryn Mitchell is the education director at The Grace Museum, With her great team of educators, The Grace teaches thousands of students and adults with art and history programming each year.
Marian Ann Montgomery
Carla Moore
Tom Nichols Thomas Nichols is a retired police chief and graduate of the University of Arizona, a graduate of the FBI National Academy, the FBI Executive Development Program, and the Senior Management Institute for Police at Harvard University. He is also a local, regional and international award-winning novelist.
Johnna Page Johnna Page has taught classes for groups throughout our area, helping people discover better ways of maintaining systems for everything from your office to your wardrobe. For OLLI, she’ll provide tips and advice for helping people gain back space from the overwhelming number of items we acquire throughout the year.
Chad Plunket
Mallory Prucha
Frank Reilly Instructor Frank Reilly is a lawyer, municipal judge and political science professor at Texas Tech University with over 40 years of experience in the Texas legislative process as a former staffer, lobbyist and citizen activist.
Garner Roberts Garner Roberts was sports information director for ACU for 25 years, watching the Wildcats win 41 national championships. He has been inducted into the Halls of Fame of ACU, Lone Star Conference and College Sports Communications (formerly CoSIDA). Photo by Tommy Metthe.
Dana Rowan Dana Rowan, M.S., is a geologist who worked for Chevron and its predecessor for 35 years and is a member of the Austin Geological Society. He moved to Fredericksburg to enjoy the natural beauty of the Hill Country.
Mena Rueffer Mena Rueffer has been a Highland Lakes master gardener since 2018. Roses are her passion and any colorful flower a favorite.
David Schmidly
Danny Sims
Sunshine Stanek Sunshine Stanek has a bachelor’s in
political science from TCU and completed law school
at Texas Tech. She has completed 19 years with the
Lubbock County D.A.’s Office and was appointed
by the Governor to the Criminal District Attorney
position and sworn in to office on Nov.14, 2018.
Doug Stowell Doug Stowell was director of market research for Xerox, U.S. director for National Opinion Polling, and senior consultant with Wirthlin Worldwide Polling before opening his own firm in 2008, conducting global consumer issues surveys and political polls.
Swenson Historical Society The Swenson Historical Society has been entrusted with the preservation of The Swenson House since it was received from The Abilene Preservation League.
Veldhuizen Family
Lydia Wagner
Erin Wehland Erin Wehland, Ph.D., is a Texas Parks and WIldlife Department wildlife biologist.
Rob Weiner Rob Weiner, M.A., M.S., is the librarian for the Texas Tech University College of Visual and Performing Arts as well as Film Studies and has taught various history and film classes for nearly 20 years
Lee Ann Whatley Lee Ann Whatley is a gallerist and photographer, owns Appretiare framing studio, has a degree in art history from Southwest Texas State University, and is an accredited art appraiser.
Morris Wilkes Morris Wilkes is the founder and principal of The Wilkes Company, a strategic communications and public affairs consulting firm. He is an independently certified public speaker, mentor, trainer and coach on leadership and communications.
Emily Wilkinson
Channetta Williams
Lorraine Wilson Instructor Lorraine Wilson has experience teaching a variety of subjects in and out of the classroom. Beginning as a self-taught artist and learning from established artists, she enjoys many creative endeavors and helping people discover their talents. She is a volunteer facilitator with the Big Country Parkinson's Support Group and Parkinson's disease exercise group at Hardin Simmons University.
Brandon Young Brandon Young, AIA, is a principal, director of design and architect at Parkhill and was a professor of architecture at Abilene Christian University for 14 years.

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