Texas Tech University

Maps and Navigation for the Lewis and Clark Expedition

Dates:February 19, 2025
Meets:W from 10:30 AM to 12 N
Location:TTUHSC Public Health
Cost: $15.00

There are 27 physical openings remaining.

Please note: this course requires membership in 24-25 Abilene Membership or 24-25 Fredericksburg Membership or 24-25 Highland Lakes Membership or Jefferson Membership or 24-25 Lubbock Membership

Lewis and Clark were meticulous in documenting their expedition to cross the newly acquired western portion of the U.S. after the Louisiana Purchase. How did they chart their course with early 19th-century tools? Where did they learn these skills? What did they learn from traders and Native Americans?
Fee: $15.00

Fee Breakdown

Course Fee (Basic)In-Person Fee$ 15.00
Course Fee (Alternate)Online Fee$ 10.00

TTUHSC Public Health

1650 Pine St.
Abilene, TX 79601

Steve Kniffen

Steve Kniffen has extensive teaching experience in lifelong learning, including two traveling Elderhostels that followed the route of Lewis & Clark from St. Louis to Portland. He has written 190 articles based on research he has gathered on the subject.

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