Texas Tech University

Huck Finn's America

Dates:January 27 - March 3, 2025
Meets:M from 12 N to 1:30 PM
Cost: $60.00

Sorry, we are no longer accepting registrations for this course. Please contact our office to find out if it will be rescheduled, or if alternative classes are available.

Please note: this course requires membership in 24-25 Abilene Membership or 24-25 Fredericksburg Membership or 24-25 Highland Lakes Membership or Jefferson Membership or 24-25 Lubbock Membership

Mark Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is often misunderstood as a boy's adventure book or merely a dialogue on race. Instead, this classic novel addresses youth violence and bad boys, schools and parents, and civil rights and minstrel shows. The novel, banned in New England, needs to be read and discussed anew for a better understanding of America, then and now. Join this course for a new and fresh analysis of this highly criticized and misunderstood novel. Your instructor: Jeff Walker, PhD Jeffrey Walker, Emeritus Professor of English at Oklahoma State, authored a critical study of the Revolutionary poet and traitor Benjamin Church, edited collections of essays on Fenimore Cooper, co-edited the first scholarly edition of Cooper's 1821 bestseller The Spy, and is completing an edition of Cooper's unpublished letters. A Fulbright lecturer in Norway and Belgium, he won the Phoenix Award for outstanding graduate teaching, the A&S Outstanding Professor Award, and the Regents Distinguished Teaching Award. His teaching interests include American literature, Dickens, the history of the book, textual editing, comedy, mystery, and film.
Fee: $60.00

Fee Breakdown

Course Fee (Basic)Series$ 60.00
Course Fee (Alternate)None Entered$ 0.00
Date Day Time Location
01/27/2025Monday12 N to 1:30 PM Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
02/03/2025Monday12 N to 1:30 PM Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
02/10/2025Monday12 N to 1:30 PM Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
02/17/2025Monday12 N to 1:30 PM Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
02/24/2025Monday12 N to 1:30 PM Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
03/03/2025Monday12 N to 1:30 PM Osher Lifelong Learning Institute

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